Monday, December 9, 2013

Keep Calm and Carry On

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello!

"Hope is NEVER lost. If those miracles do not come soon or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Saviour's own anguished example: if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead." --Jeffrey R. Holland

You want to know a secret? I don't know if it's true of everyone, but for me, Heavenly Father likes to hit me with trials all at the same time. I'm coasting along, thinking I'm doing okay, maybe struggling a bit but relatively doing well, and then all of a sudden BAM! It's time for me to grow some faith. Sometimes I wish faith grew when we did easy things. But what would be the point then, huh?

I've been called to leave East Kilbride, leave Sister Jacques, and go serve as a Sister Training Leader in Irvine. That's where I was a wee while ago for 10 days. So I’m obviously feeling super inadequate, super anticipatory, super sad to leave East Kilbride. In fact, last night I think I cried for two hours. I went to bed with such a headache. But when I was so sad, one of my best friends ever, Kirsty Lang from the ward, came over to our flat and just sat with me and helped me to feel better. She helped me remember that God knows what's best and that we don't always know. A lot of times God sends us places not because we're ready, but to get us ready.

Another thing that was a bit tough was saying good-bye to our District. I don't know if I've really conveyed this, but this district was amazing. We had all been here for a wee while, and we got along well together. Definitely some of my very best friends have come along with it, and it was tough saying good-bye. I cried, obviously. Why do I cry so much this week? Seriously, I've not cried much on my mission, and then this week hit and suddenly I am a human waterfall. Sister Jacques says it's a strength that I care about people so much and so deeply, but sometimes it feels more like a trial than anything else. Why do I care so much?

So isn't that just a happy e-mail? Haha. Sorry I'm such a downer! I couldn'ty think of anything much more exciting to share, and that's what is on my mind. But I do know the church is true! I am so happy to be a missionary and know the work we do is essential for others’ eternal progression. I have so much to work on as a missionary, and have been reminded of that in light of recent events, but I know that when I work my hardest, the Lord can fill the gap between where I am and where I am working toward. He fills the whole gap, and I am grateful that He does.

I love you all!   The Church is true!

Sister Amanda Ricks 

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