Monday, November 11, 2013

A Date!

Hello, hello, hello!

When looking at the title of my e-mail, you may be tempted to think one of multiple things:

 A. Sister Ricks went on a date? I thought that was against the rules.
 B. Sister Ricks is starting to date/wax old. I sense some grey hairs coming on.
 C. Sister Ricks can't remember what the date is.
 D. Sister Ricks has an investigator with a baptismal date!!!

 Well, folks, guess Option D and you would be mucho correct!! How exciting is that? (And I know that was the lamest thing ever, but I couldn't think of another exciting way to tell you!)

It is Scott, our nine-year-old investigator whose mum used to be a member. She is planning on getting baptized next year after she gets married, but Scott didn't want to wait. So hopefully December 7, or a few weeks thereafter. We just need to make sure he gets to church three times. It's nice because he doesn't have any obstacles (Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity, Tithing) because...well...he's nine years old. So from now on, I am only stopping children and teaching them. Just kidding. Seriously, he's so cool though! It was incredible when all of a sudden Caroline said, "Do you want to get baptized with me or do it on your own?" and he said he just wanted to do it. He has yet to come to church but I have high hopes! We introduced him and his mum to Bishop Cook and Sister Cook and just, ah, it is so exciting! He says he knows God answers his prayers because he feels a shiver down his spine when he prays. I love him so much!

That was definitely (in Scotland some people pronounce it definEtly with an emphasis on the et) the highlight of the week! I love when people progress, and it would be absolutely incredible to be part of the finding, teaching, and baptizing process. I would absolutely love that!

Sister Jacques is sick and we had to stay in one day this week. She's a great trainee, full of ideas and ready to learn and grow. She's also ready for me to learn and grow, which is making me learn a bit of humility. :) It's good for me and is probably what life/my mission is all about.

Not much else to report, but I do know that this church is true and that it brings me joy! The Saviour's atonement is real and cannot only cleanse us from sin but can give us increased abilities to do those things that are hard for us! The Book of Mormon is the word of God, and I feel the Spirit as I read its words. Jesus Christ is the only way we can obtain true light and life in the world to come.

Cool quote about missionary service from M. Russell Ballard: "I often suggest to those who want to know if the Church is true that they spend a few hours working with our missionaries. It doesn't take long to learn that no one can do all of the things that a missionary does every day without knowing beyond any question that what they are doing is right and true."

I have no doubt that what I am doing is right and true! I know it is blessing people in Scotland, and is most especially blessing me! I am so grateful that God has given me this 18 months to learn and to grow, and to serve His people, especially His children in East Kilbride, the best area in the mission!

I love you all! Have a good week!

S. Ricks

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