Dearest Family,
The big news of the day is that Moves call came. Sister Jones and I were convinced that we were staying together, and I'd even told Mr. Journal several times that we were. Heavenly Father had other plans for us though, and so we got a call in the middle of chapping from the Mission Office. It wasn't supposed to be the Mission Office-it was supposed to be the Zone Leaders! Consequently, we talked to President Brown who gave Sister Jones the calling of Finglas, in the Dublin Zone, to be the Senior Companion to a missionary who just finished training: Sister Brand. I am staying in East Kilbride with a sister named Sister Jackson, who is coming over from Irvine in the Paisley Zone and was just finished being trained. She is a viola major and is incredible at musicianship! She is, according to Sister Ashdown who is in her zone, very uplifting and cute! She is supposed to be a bit quiet, and so I hope not to talk off her ear. (At least not too much).
I thought it would be fun, and Sister Jones did it as well, to take pictures throughout the day and have a little Day In the Life Of...Sister Ricks! So here we go. I chose July 31, because it was a Day of Miracles, and because it's Harry Potter's birthday. ;)
The alarm clock goes off at 6:30 a.m. |
I feel like this. :) |
I say my morning prayers. |
We head out to our favorite roundabout where we run around! I love our exercise time! |
We also do squats for exercise. Squatting is so fun. |
Then we eat breakfast! I love to eat breakfast, especially Crunchy Nut. That is delicious! |
Then we do our hair and get ready for the day. |
Then I get to do Personal Study! Personal Study is my favorite time of the day and always goes by much too quickly! |
Then we have Companionship Study. This time we confirm our plans for the day, sing, read 3 pages from the White Handbook, and tell each other what we've learned. We make lesson plans for those we will see and we discuss how to help people. |
Now we are out and about--10:00! Today we are teaching S---, our recently reactivated member. He has a hard time with the gospel and I think he believes it is true but just has a funny way of looking at it. We found out that he is writing his own book, which is nice. He is a good guy. This picture is taken as we are walking on our wee path to the church. Notice my coat and my skirt don't match. Is anybody mad? I thought so. Dad is always mad. |
After S--- it is time for lunch! We come back to the flat and I HAVE POST!! My lovely friend Annabelle has written me. Having post is the best. :) |
We also eat lunch. I had a nectarine, yoghurt, and piece of toast. And my insulin pen. :) |
During lunch, for which we have 1 hour, I take a nap. Naps are the BEST and really get me through the day. And yes, I sleep with my leg up. I know, it's weird. |
We are out again and ready to hit the world at 11:30! We start by waiting at the bus stop outside our flat. It seems like we are always waiting at a bus stop. |
check out the sign we saw on HARRY POTTER'S BIRTHDAY! |
Our Appointment, Sister B---, cancelled on us and so we go GQ in Calderwood. We meet an incredible lady who we stop and chat with for awhile. She is interested in the Book of Mormon and everything and only tells us after we've taught her for a wee while that she's met the missionaries before because she's dating a member of our ward who is Less-Active! It was kind of like she was testing us. Anyway, little miracle there for sure. We will call her and try to meet with her after her holiday. She was Irish and just had a gorgeous accent.
Now we meet with C---. C--- was a miracle from the day before. Sister Jones and I walked by a bus stop and said "Hiya!" to this woman and her son but didn't really talk to them. About a minute later, we hear a little boy running after us and he said, "where is the LDS church?" because his mom had sent him. We went back and talked with her and she had been sealed in the temple but hadn't been at church for a long time and has just moved here. When we met with her today, we found out that she has been ex-communicated and has had just a lot of horrible things happen in life, but she wants to sort things out and get back on track. It was an awesome lesson, and was the only lesson where I said we should offer a kneeling prayer after the first time we taught her. it usually feels too weird. Hopefully when we meet with her this week, her 9-year old unbaptised son will be there! :)
After C---, we rode the bus back to East Kilbride Bus Station. The bus was empty on the top level so we snapped a quick picture. |
When we got to the bus station, we walked over to our favorite person ever-S---! She is the one who we chapped with Family History and then saw her in the park and talked to her. Today, she fed us! She texted us and invited us to dinner! She is just wonderful and shared with us her sad life story. Her husband cheated on her and left her about 4 months ago after having been together for so long. It was so sad but she fed us vegetarian mince over spaghetti. It was delicious!
It was raining after, so we got a brallie from S--- and went on our way to the church. Notice I'm not wearing a coat anymore. Variable Scottish weather!! |
Missionary Coordination Meeting at our church! |
After, we met Brother S--- at Sister Green's (she is a ward missionary) home. Every other lesson with him, we read from the Book of Mormon. He is so close to being done! |
This is a picture of us teaching Brother S---. Posed, obviously. We wanted one picture teaching. Took forever to get it too. |
We walked home from Brother S-- and did Nightly Planning. Nightly Planning is so necessary but is so hard sometimes! We are always so tired. This is where we make our plans for the next day. |
I write in my journal |
I pray! |
Now for the best part of the day: Bedtime!!! |
There we go for one day in my life. How nice!
I know that this gospel is true! I am so grateful to go and share with the good people of East Kilbride, and although I am nervous to get a new companion, I know that this is what the Lord wants from me!
I love you all and pray for you daily. Have a good week!
Sister Ricks
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