Friday, December 27, 2013


So it turns out that I wasn't able to e-mail yesterday. It was actually today! Oops! Turns out my blonde hair stayed pretty blonde, even on my mission. Rubbish! 

Can I just say how WONDERFUL it was to see all of you on Skype? It actually made me quite excited for the next nine months of my mission, which is lovely. It also just reminded me how happy I am to have a loving family. I think that was the fastest hour that I've ever had! 

T'was a wonderful Christmas and Boxing Day yesterday. I feel super unproductive because we aren't allowed to go proselyte much these days. That is weird; I hate not teaching people. I feel a bit antsy about it, but I'm sure once we get back into the swing of things it should be peachy and wonderful. 

I canny think of anything really to say. Here's a picture of us in our blanket fort and me in my Panda onesie. And the other one of the people who got engaged when we sang to them! Haha! 

The moral of the story is that I miss you and wish you all the best! Be happy because I love you!!!! 

Sister Amanda Ann Ricks

Monday, December 16, 2013

Remember Lot's Wife

Dearest Family,

Wow. What a week! I am so sorry for all my negativity last week. That was NOT a good example of a missionary and of the faith I should have. I have been inwardly rebuked for a lot of things this week, and that was one of them—the lack of faith in myself and in God for knowing where to place me. I am so sorry!!

That being said, I am still feeling entirely inadequate to be an STL. This week we are touring around Scotland doing Christmas concerts in each of the five zones—Dundee, Paisley, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh. I am highly involved, and it's a way fun time. Because I am one of the leaders, we are planning the whole thing. It is me, Sister Passey, Elder Smithson, Elder Nielson, and Elder Sewell. Sister Passey has been an STL forever; Elder Smithson was my first zone leader along with Elder Nielson who just served as AP for six months; and Elder Sewell was my second DL and now is a ZL. So yes, I am entirely out of place. I feel like singing "one of these things is not like the other!" But what do you do? The Lord qualifies whom He calls, I hope!

This week was really hard in every way: I have been pushed and stretched. Leaving EK was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I cried for three days straight. I hated leaving my home, my family, those whom I care about more than anything. So ... yeah. That was tough.

Then I got to Irvine and was given a terrific companion who is super diligent and obedient, given responsibilities and given training from President and the Assistants about everything. It was incredible and I learned so much. I know that Heavenly Father has given me this position to help ME learn and grow. Hopefully I will help some people on the way, and that's what I'm focused on. I know that I am meant to be here because I can already feel myself growing in ways that haven't happened thus far on my mission.

The title of this e-mail comes because I feel that the past bit of my mission hasn't been so great when it comes to my work. I could have been such a better missionary, but our success is really defined by what we do now and what we plan to do. I know that if I choose to focus on the future rather than the past, I will be successful and will be able to move forward with no problems.

I am sorry that I'm not responding to any of your personal e-mails this week. I read them all and loved them. But we were only given about two seconds on computers this week because all of the missionaries have to share the computers at the Mission Home. So we are all just working our hardest to keep our time short. Just so you know, I love you all! And I get to talk to you WAY soon! So I am quite chuffed about that. I don't know how Skyping is going to work yet, but I'm sure we'll figure something out, and I'll have a member e-mail you or something. We'll figure it out.

I love you! Missionary work is THE BEST ever, and I know that as we strive for exact obedience, the Lord will bless us in all of our efforts: whether that is in the field, at home with your children, or an answer to a prayer that you feel is continually ignored. I know that God desires to bless us and that when we ask and do our part, He will. Every time. In some way that may be different from what we expected, but that is better than we could have ever imagined.

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Ricks

Monday, December 9, 2013

Keep Calm and Carry On

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello!

"Hope is NEVER lost. If those miracles do not come soon or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Saviour's own anguished example: if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead." --Jeffrey R. Holland

You want to know a secret? I don't know if it's true of everyone, but for me, Heavenly Father likes to hit me with trials all at the same time. I'm coasting along, thinking I'm doing okay, maybe struggling a bit but relatively doing well, and then all of a sudden BAM! It's time for me to grow some faith. Sometimes I wish faith grew when we did easy things. But what would be the point then, huh?

I've been called to leave East Kilbride, leave Sister Jacques, and go serve as a Sister Training Leader in Irvine. That's where I was a wee while ago for 10 days. So I’m obviously feeling super inadequate, super anticipatory, super sad to leave East Kilbride. In fact, last night I think I cried for two hours. I went to bed with such a headache. But when I was so sad, one of my best friends ever, Kirsty Lang from the ward, came over to our flat and just sat with me and helped me to feel better. She helped me remember that God knows what's best and that we don't always know. A lot of times God sends us places not because we're ready, but to get us ready.

Another thing that was a bit tough was saying good-bye to our District. I don't know if I've really conveyed this, but this district was amazing. We had all been here for a wee while, and we got along well together. Definitely some of my very best friends have come along with it, and it was tough saying good-bye. I cried, obviously. Why do I cry so much this week? Seriously, I've not cried much on my mission, and then this week hit and suddenly I am a human waterfall. Sister Jacques says it's a strength that I care about people so much and so deeply, but sometimes it feels more like a trial than anything else. Why do I care so much?

So isn't that just a happy e-mail? Haha. Sorry I'm such a downer! I couldn'ty think of anything much more exciting to share, and that's what is on my mind. But I do know the church is true! I am so happy to be a missionary and know the work we do is essential for others’ eternal progression. I have so much to work on as a missionary, and have been reminded of that in light of recent events, but I know that when I work my hardest, the Lord can fill the gap between where I am and where I am working toward. He fills the whole gap, and I am grateful that He does.

I love you all!   The Church is true!

Sister Amanda Ricks 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Denny Kin, Canny Mind!

Dear Family,

Happy Thanksgiving to the Ricks Clan! Thanksgiving was pretty good. It definitely wasn't a Ricks Family Thanksgiving, but for a Scottish missionary, it was just grand! We had a chicken that I carved (hold your applause, I know, I know) and some veggies along with potatoes. We had trifle for dessert. So there you go—probably the most varied Thanksgiving meal I've ever had, but it was quite good. And then after dinner we did all the dishes, and I accidentally got into a water fight. Suddenly I was pouring water on people's arms. I don't know how that happened. (Just kidding, I do. It was retaliation mode for water shot in my face.) But anyway, moral of the story is that Thanksgiving was just peachy.

We met a cool lady, L--, on the street a couple of weeks ago and she came to church! That was crazy and I was not expecting her to agree to come to church so fast! So that was a huge miracle and she really liked it. So hopefully that continues going well. We got an awesome Joint-Teach who is now her best friend and is loving her. They are great for each other, so that is really good!

We also went to Alison's to burn something for my hump day coming up! It's in just 5 days and I'm halfway! So we burned my yellow jumper that was fitting weird. And it was SO MUCH FUN! We used their parasol thingme and lit it on fire and it just burned like crazy! It was seriously one of the funnest things ever. We had pizza as well and it was just a blast. Alison is the coolest person that ever lived.

S-- and C-- ALMOST came to church this week but then C-- had to go to the hospital with some bad health problems, which was so stinky. BUT it was awesome because she told me that she knows the adversary is trying to get her, which strengthens her testimony that the church is true. She is seriously lovely and I just love them so much. I have so much love for the people here! It's absolutely incredible how amazing people are.

Next week is moves call, but I hope and think I'll be staying in EK for another transfer to finish training Sister Jacques. I love East Kilbride!!!

Well, I can't think of anything else. I know more happened but I just canny mind! :) Haha.

I love each of you loads, and I know the church is true! It's the best thing ever!


Sister Amanda Ricks

Monday, November 25, 2013

Psalms 100:4

Dear Family,

Psalms 100:4: “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”

This scripture is partially cool because it has the word "thanksgiving" in it, but I also like the idea that if we are thankful to God, we will bless His name. Thankfulness is not just a way of thinking; it is a way of acting. It's the same way with faith. If we have faith, we will act a certain way. If we are thankful, we will also act a certain way. If I am thankful for the Atonement, I will show my gratitude by proving faithful and repenting of my sins. If I am thankful for my family (and I am), I will pray for them nightly by name (and I do). If I am grateful for the chance I have to be a missionary, I will be diligent in the work and show my gratitude for  the short amount of time I have to serve the Lord. In short, I will ACT on my GRATITUDE. Sometimes we get so focused on what we're grateful for that we forget to do anything about it.

What am I grateful for this week (and what I am going to do because I am grateful):

I am grateful for Granny Green. She is just lovely. We went over for FHE, and I wasn't feeling very well.  She just let me lay on her until FHE started. She rubbed my back and gave me some granny cuddles. That was lovely. I adore her! She's also having us over for Thanksgiving. That will be so nice. I am going to make her a wee card that expresses my gratitude, and I am going to remind her how much I love her.

I am grateful for Alison. I know that I talk about how much I love her all of the time, but it's really because I do! She is incredible and has been so prepared for the gospel. I really feel privileged just to have the opportunity to teach her. I remembered this week that while I was in training, I came to Glasgow for something called Smart Start that all new trainees do. Sister Jones was there with her trainer, Sister Robertson. When we role-played, we would introduce someone that we're working with and then someone would pretend to be that person. I remember they talked about Alison, a self-referral from who loves Joseph Smith and knows the Book of Mormon is true. I remember at the time wishing that I could teach someone like that--and now I am!! She is so wonderful. Yesterday she gave me the first piece of jewelry that she'd ever bought for herself and had to pay for by installments--a thistle necklace. It is gorgeous! She is seriously thinking about baptism and will do it before I leave--I just know it! I adore her! I am going to continue to pray for her nightly and do my best to have spiritual lessons with her so she can identify the Spirit and have help knowing when Heavenly Father would have her be baptized.

I am grateful to be training. I am learning so much from Sister Jacques. Most of what I'm learning is how inadequate I am to do everything. I am not the most obedient, most diligent, most perfect missionary. And I never will be. But I am learning that I need to do things differently and that even though I am comfortable with the work and especially with East Kilbride, I can do things and need to do things to change and improve the work rather than staying in my comfortable spot. We taught more street lessons than I've ever taught on my mission this week. She is definitely pushing me to grow and become more. I am just stubborn and selfish and wish that I would have more desire to change. It's hard but it's good, and I know that Heavenly Father has called me to do this. I am so grateful for opportunities to learn and grow! I am going to be more humble and accept criticism and strive to be more obedient. I am going to try to care about her more than about myself.

I am grateful that this week has given me the chance to speak to Sister Nicoll a few times. There has been a bit of drama between her ward and ours, and we've gotten to speak about it. It has been so nice to talk to her. I absolutely love her! I am going to keep praying for her every night.

I am grateful for this work. I am grateful that our investigators are progressing amazingly. Scott is doing really well and is continually understanding more. Alison is doing well. We have amazing people that we're working with here, and I am just so blessed! I am going to be diligent about going out and doing the work, knowing that God is blessing us for trying to be diligent!

I am grateful that Brother S-- came to FHE this week and then met with us once. He told us he'd come to church and meet with the Bishop.  He didn't and then didn't answer our calls, but at least his mind is still more open to the idea of accepting our church and baptism. I am going to phone him and continue to pray for him. I am going to thank Heavenly Father for giving me the chance to teach him.

I am grateful for the scriptures. I love studying them each week. I know that they come from God and that we can feel the Spirit while we study them. I am going to continue studying every day and try to apply the scriptures daily.

I am grateful for inspired leaders who give us counsel that sometimes isn't fun but that is what we need. I am going to honor them by doing the things they say.

I am grateful for hard times that make us grow. Growing isn't always fun but is always worth it when we become a tree of life in God's hands. I am going to offer more gratitude prayers instead of always asking for things. I'm going to make prayer a conversation instead of me telling Heavenly Father the things I'd like Him to do.

Quote of the week: "Keep trying. Don't look for escapes and excuses. Look for the Lord and His perfect strength. Don't search for someone to blame. Search for someone to help you. Seek Christ and, as you do, I promise you will feel the enabling power we call His amazing grace. I leave this testimony and all of my love--for I do love you... I believe in you. I'm pulling for you. And I'm not the only one. Parents are pulling for you, leaders are pulling for you, and prophets are pulling for you. And Jesus is pulling with you" (Brad Wilcox, "His Grace Is Sufficient").

I know this gospel is true! Jesus Christ lives: that is the centre of my testimony. He is our Saviour. He loves us. He knows the things that are hard and the things that are easy. He's been through it all. He is the way to get back to our Heavenly Father. He is the only way. And if we do it His way, we are doing it right.

I love you all! I am grateful for you!
Sister Ricks/Amanda/Aunt Manda/Pandywidge/Lastborn

P.S. This scripture cracked me up during personal study this week: Alma 55:9. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this is funny because of the punctuation (or lack thereof). Read it and tell me why!  

P.P.S. I am NOT grateful that Peyton and BYU both lost this week. :( Rubbish! Especially because Peyton lost to Tom Brady. I'll have a word with him when I get home.